How's your week? :D

I know this's a late post and I can't fulfil my own agreement to post 3 times every week because I'm lazy  and there's so many things I should to do ( I'll post about it later)             



I'm not a Chinese, but at least we must respect the other person tradition. I know that you still wondering about it right? why did I celebrate it ? Ok, let me explain :). Almost all of my senior high school friends celebrate it and my SOON NEW FAMILY celebrate it too. So, ..

may this year give us a lot of luck and Happiness"

Back to the topic, the fact is I've arrived in Semarang last 24 January but I'm to lazy to type in the computer. I've tried to download blogspot in my current hand phone but it
turn out that I didn't like it.  

The sample : it's hard for me to type in the mobile version because I can't set the size
cr : google

That's why I better built some desire, that can makes me blogging again!! YEAY

The horrible week? Whatt?
Every time I think about that week it makes me sad, confused, lost, regret and happy. I think I've give everything that I can do, but we as human always expect that something good  will happen, but god is the one who decided it. 

I've forgot about the date, maybe it's around November there's an open recruitment a new member for STOPHIVA and BEM and of course it makes me really excited!! 

Two of them are the most favourite organization in my Faculty. I really want it! Thanks god, I can make though the internship session. But the hardest things are start from this session. 

In STOPHIVA we must to tweet at least 3times a day for 2 weeks about hiv aids, make a STGS rundown, and make our own wall magazine. 

this is our wall magazine, it's 3D.

And for the BEM, I should interview two company that are Kompas and Mandiri. In Mandiri the one that I ask to Interview didn't cooperative, it makes me mad :'). For the Kompas, there's a incident :(  In there, I should meet the marketing but the secretary forgot to write the appointment and luckily at least there's someone that I can ask.

I know I've give the best, but sadly both of them didn't accept me as their new member. 

cr : google

Someday there will be a best plan that Allah made for me, maybe I can try Faculty of Medicine (to be a doctor) ? Hahaha Let's see :)


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